On The Book Shelf

Downloadable, PDF eBook.
The Secret Formula to Unlock Your Talent, Break Free of Sight Reading, and Play the Way You've Always Dreamed
This book takes you down the Self-Taught Musician's path to independence. It teaches smart musical thinking and defines the developed, play-by-ear mind set. In the beginning there are some complexities to figuring out numbers and getting good at them but, "getting good" at them, you must!
This book gives you direction and gets you started thinking like a musician who knows what you're doing. This level of thinking is the core of ALL who want to excel in music. It also introduces the courses and books of the Self-Taught Piano System and provides links to purchase them, if you please.
Here's What You Get:
- The Road to Independence;
- My discoveries along the way;
- The Piano and Guitar Connection;
- Piano Player's Rite of Passage;
- Self-Taught Classical Masters;
- How Self-Teaching is actually . . . Teachable!;
- The Dilemma of Self Teaching - Finding Good Materials to read and study;
- The 24-Chord Goal as your inspiration and starting point of independence;
- The Music Theory You Really Need to Know;
- Setting Your Sights on Playing By Ear; and
- Much More!

Survivor's Manual
Life After Lessons or When Standing At the Crossroads.
Maybe you took lessons and quit and now are wondering what to do. Maybe you didn't quit, but feel the same way as if you had. Whatever your history, it's good to know that "quitting" is not the same thing as "giving up." The “Survivor's Manual" prepares you for your continuing journey that points out four major discoveries you'll make along the way.
This book gives you the map, lays down the rules and shows you the way to become a great musician on your own.
Here's What You Get:
- The Road to Freedom;
- The Greatest Composers are Self-Taught;
- You don't need a "Revolution" in Music, you need new Revelations;
- Four Major Discoveries To Notice Along the Way;
- The Self-Teaching Plan for Life;
- Much, Much MORE!

Chord School
How to Play Any Chord and Throw Away This Book!
This book shows you how to figure out chords on your own so you don't have to look them up in a book. Forget about the hard way of building. You learn a powerful self-taught insight that simplifies the process and puts even the most difficult chords at your fingertips.
Don't miss this chance to learn the ultimate short-cut to building chords. You won't read about it or see it mentioned anywhere else (but here).
Click Here For More Information: http://members.keyeduppiano.com/chord-school-sp
Here's What You Get:
- The two crucial theories that govern the chord-building process;
- Seven concepts to building chords.
- The Rules of Building Chords;
- The Ultimate short-cut to building;
- Comprehensive breakdown of the 10 types of chords and their derivatives;
- Single page; at-a-glance chord charts;
- Advanced short-cuts to build difficult chords (11ths, 13ths, etc...);
- Everything you need to know (and more) in just 55 pages.
The Play By Ear Discovery
This book explains a lot about the numbers side of music and how to manipulate numbers to gain control over the piano and play by ear.

The Play By Ear Discovery
Theory You Overlook Because You THINK You Already Know It.
The “Play By Ear Discovery” answers an age-old question and opens your mind to a glaring concept that determines whether you succeed or not. If after reading it, you doubt that it can be that simple, then you can bet you’re on the right track. You need only to acknowledge it and then start moving in that direction.
Beginners learn this theory out of context because they don’t know enough to be able to gauge what is really important and what is not. Experienced players are more jaded about music theory and just can’t believe there are any new tricks to be discovered; and especially not in this basic area.
Our problem is that we don’t know enough or we know too much.
This book will open your eyes to another dimension of music you never dreamed existed and build up to your first major "Ah-Hah" moment that will change your life forever.
You learn two important music theories that are the most overlooked, undervalued and assumed by most musicians. These two concepts are the key to understanding how to play by ear but you must learn to control them.
When you're done reading this, you're going to be thinking about some things...
Here's What You Get:
- The most important theory you must know, but overlook because you think you already know it;
- The "Reduction Principle" - How to Control, Manage and Manipulate Musical Infinity
- A Near-Cosmic Glimpse of the Big Picture of Music;
- Much Much More!
The Play By Ear Starter Bundle

Four Moves Away
From Playing By Ear
How to Play Any Chord and Throw Away This Book!
This book shows you how to figure out chords on your own so you don't have to look them up in a book. Forget about the hard way of building. You learn a powerful self-taught insight that simplifies the process and puts even the most difficult chords at your fingertips.
Don't miss this chance to learn the ultimate short-cut to building chords. You won't read about it or see it mentioned anywhere else (but here).
You can get a copy right now at: http://members.keyeduppiano.com/chord-school-sp
Here's What You Get:
- The two crucial theories that govern the chord-building process;
- Seven concepts to building chords.
- The Rules of Building Chords;
- The Ultimate short-cut to building;
- Comprehensive breakdown of the 10 types of chords and their derivatives;
- Single page; at-a-glance chord charts;
- Advanced short-cuts to build difficult chords (11ths, 13ths, etc...);
- Everything you need to know (and more) in just 55 pages.
The Easy Key of C and
Getting Started:
How to Play Any Chord and Throw Away This Book!
This book shows you how to figure out chords on your own so you don't have to look them up in a book. Forget about the hard way of building. You learn a powerful self-taught insight that simplifies the process and puts even the most difficult chords at your fingertips.
Don't miss this chance to learn the ultimate short-cut to building chords. You won't read about it or see it mentioned anywhere else (but here).
Click Here For More Information: http://members.keyeduppiano.com/chord-school-sp
Here's What You Get:
- The two crucial theories that govern the chord-building process;
- Seven concepts to building chords.
- The Rules of Building Chords;
- The Ultimate short-cut to building;
- Comprehensive breakdown of the 10 types of chords and their derivatives;
- Single page; at-a-glance chord charts;
- Advanced short-cuts to build difficult chords (11ths, 13ths, etc...);
- Everything you need to know (and more) in just 55 pages.
The Ultimate Play By Ear Bundle

Online Video Course and download materials
Getting Started
Beyond the Basics
This book shows you how to figure out chords on your own so you don't have to look them up in a book. Forget about the hard way of building. You learn a powerful self-taught insight that simplifies the process and puts even the most difficult chords at your fingertips.
Don't miss this chance to learn the ultimate short-cut to building chords. You won't read about it or see it mentioned anywhere else (but here).
You can get a copy right now at: http://members.keyeduppiano.com/chord-school-sp
Here's What You Get:
- The two crucial theories that govern the chord-building process;
- Seven concepts to building chords.
- The Rules of Building Chords;
- The Ultimate short-cut to building;
- Comprehensive breakdown of the 10 types of chords and their derivatives;
- Single page; at-a-glance chord charts;
- Advanced short-cuts to build difficult chords (11ths, 13ths, etc...);
- Everything you need to know (and more) in just 55 pages.
The Play By Ear Discovery
This book explains a lot about the numbers side of music and how to manipulate numbers to gain control over the piano and play by ear.
Play Piano Like Guitar
You're not that Far Away . . .
The “Play By Ear Discovery” answers an age-old question and opens your mind to a glaring concept that determines whether you succeed or not. If after reading it, you doubt that it can be that simple, then you can bet you’re on the right track. You need only to acknowledge it and then start moving in that direction.
Beginners learn this theory out of context because they don’t know enough to be able to gauge what is really important and what is not. On the other side, experienced players just can’t believe there are any new tricks to be discovered; and especially not in this basic area. Our problem is that we either don’t know enough or we know too much.
This book will open your eyes to another dimension of music you never dreamed existed and builds up to an "Ah-Hah" moment that will change your life forever.
You learn two important music theories that are the most overlooked, undervalued and assumed by most musicians. These two concepts are the key to understanding how to play by ear.
Here's What You Get:
- The most important theory you must know, but don't know because you think you already know it;
- The "Reduction Principle" for keeping track of everything;
- How "Infinity" is a major influence to playing by ear; and
- Much, Much MORE!
Music Theory Like No Other

The Secret Formula to Unlock Your Talent, Break Free of Sight Reading, and Play the Way You've Always Dreamed
This book takes you down the road of a Self-Taught Musician's path towards independence. It gives you a broad-scope overview of a major discovery you will make when you look in the places I show you.
This is as close to understanding how a Play-By-Ear master thinks that you will ever read. This level of thinking is the core of all who want to excel in music.
Here's What You Get:
- The Road to Independence;
- My discoveries along the way;
- The Piano and Guitar Connection;
- Piano Player's Rite of Passage;
- Self-Taught Classical Masters;
- How Self-Teaching is actually . . . Teachable!;
- The Dilemma of Self Teaching - Finding Good Materials to read and study;
- The 24-Chord Goal as your inspiration and starting point of independence;
- The Music Theory You Really Need to Know;
- Setting Your Sights on Playing By Ear; and
- Much More!

Matrix Theory
Straight Answers to the Most Unaswerable Questions in Music
Now is the time for all good men to come to the aide of their country. Now is the time for all good men to come to the aide of their country. Now is the time for all good men to come to the aide of their country. Now is the time for all good men to come to the aide of their country. Now is the time for all good men to come to the aide of their country. Now is the time for all good men to come to the aide of their country.
Here's What You Get:
- The Road to Freedom;
- The Greatest Composers are Self-Taught;
- There Are few "Revolutions" in Music but Lots of Revelations;
- Four Major Discoveries To Notice Along the Way;
- The Self-Teaching Plan for Life;
- Much, Much MORE!