Please watch this short video about a special
BONUS Piano Course I'm giving  you for FREE

(to get started playing chords immediately).
Take Me To It

The Easy Key of C Includes:

  • Why C is the perfect key to learn independence
  • Three (3) fingering positions, to play six (6) primary chords, eighteen different (18) ways
  • How to identify those six (6) chords (that all look the same) on different parts of the keyboard
  • Step-By-Step instructions to master those six (6) chords
  • The master progression to put your fingers on auto-pilot
  • Four (4) universal moves to learn chord-change reflexes
  • Four (4) easy songs that DRILL those chord-change reflexes into your subconscious
  • The MASTER LESSON to keep you on-track and focused
  • Step-By-Step instructions on how to play the most natural rhythm
  • ...PLUS the "Getting Started" Bonus
  • The fastest way to memorize the keyboard
  • The fastest way to memorize lines and spaces on the staff
  • Theory with a purpose
  • and much, MUCH more!