Yes! I want to save 85% AND break free on the piano NOW...
WARNING: We'll be raising the price back to $47 VERY soon... so get your copy NOW!

HURRY! Order the "The Easy Key of C" Course Now!!!
Order Now And You'll Get INSTANT Access To...
- Why C is the perfect key to learn independence
- Three (3) fingering positions, to play six (6) primary chords, eighteen different (18) ways
- How to identify those six (6) chords (that all look the same) on different parts of the keyboard
- Step-By-Step instructions to master those six (6) chords
- The master progression to put your fingers on auto-pilot
- Four (4) universal moves to learn chord-change reflexes
- Four (4) easy songs that DRILL those chord-change reflexes into your subconscious
- The MASTER LESSON to keep you on-track and focused
- Step-By-Step instructions on how to play the most natural rhythm
- ...PLUS the "Getting Started" Bonus
- The fastest way to memorize the keyboard
- The fastest way to memorize lines and spaces on the staff
- Theory with a purpose
- and much, MUCH more!
Click The "Add To Cart Button" Below NOW For Instant Access
WARNING: We'll be raising the price back to $47 VERY soon... so get your copy NOW!

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